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A leader in the web hosting industry, serving businesses and individuals alike since 1997. With our unparalleled service, speed and reliability your online presence will thrive.
is the world's most trusted online backup service for consumers and small businesses.

If you are just starting out it can all be very overwhelming. If you choose us we will make it as easy and seamless as possible to create your website and your online presence. Celestialnet is a full service internet solutions company that is very knowledgeable in a great many aspects, from helping you acquiring a domain name, branding your company corporate identity and creating your company logo. Whether you just want a simple blog website or something as complex as a fully functional e-commerce shopping mall website.

Full Service Internet Solutions:
We Offer Web Hosting. Web Site Design, Flash Design. Custom Art and Illustrations, Logo Design and Branding Corporate Identity. E-Commerece, Shopping Cart Websites. Custom Script Programming and Database Integration. Domain Name Registration, Domain Appraisal and Domain Name Parking. Search Engine Submissions and Search Engine Submit blast. Search Engine Optimization and SEO Consulting. Copyright and Trademark Registration.

If you already have an existing online business and your website is not drawing in a new customer base and not producing the sales your site once was, maybe because the design is outdated, or the search engines have not even listed your site, or if your site has dropped in the search rankings. We can help you in bringing your site back to life and into the 21st century. Our team of search engine optimization (SEO) experts have maintained a 90% success rate, and are very well versed on the stringent techniques used by the major search engines and follow what is believed by many to be the best practices in search engine marketing.

Please take a moment and browse through our website and the services we offer.