Web Design, Web Hosting, Compelete Internet Solutions.





Additional Services

Celestialnet offers the following services. Please contact us for a price quote on our services.

  • Branding Corporate Identity, Logo Design, Custom Art and Illustrations.
    Our team of graphic artist can create anything you can dream up. We will help you brand your website, logo, and illustrations.

  • Copyright Protection.
    Once our graphic artist have crated your logo and or illustration, you will need protection. We will help protect you and your website and or image(s). We will get your website and image(s) registered with the US government and get you copyright protected.

  • Custom Script Programming, and installing scripts.
    Our programmers can create any script you and your site may need from a custom link list site, a car dealership, real-estate site, to crating a script to run a restaurant that displays your menu.

  • Domain Name & Website Appraisal.
    Is the process of evaluating a domain name's worth and market value the domain name and or website.

  • Domain Name Registration.
    If you do not already own a domain name. We will help you in the creation of a domain name that best describes your business and or future website. If the name you want is already taken. We will help you in acquiring and purchasing the domain name you would like. Also please note a domain name is only as valuable as what someone is willing to pay for it. Always do your homework, do a search "Tips on choosing a domain name."

  • Flash Web Design.
    Our flash programmers can create very dynamic and interactive multimedia rich sites for you. Flash websites are much more labor intensive and are far more costly then normal HTML websites.

  • Internet Solutions, E-Commerce, and Shopping Cart Websites.
    We can help you with your Internet Solutions, and get you a fully functional e-commerce web store a reality.

  • Press Release
    We have a very talented writer that can write up a beautiful press release, that will help get the word out about your website.

  • SEO - Search Engine Optimization and consulting.
    After all the hard work in getting your website/webstore up and running. You now have the most beautiful looking site in the world. But without traffic, nobody knows your site even exists. That's where the SEO comes into play. Our team of SEO consultants will work their magic and get your site listed in the search engines, so you can start reaping the benefits.

  • Web Design Tutoring, Online, Mobile, & In-House.
    If you want to learn how design your own web sites. We can tutor you online, mobile or in-house.

  • Web Site Submissions.
    We currently offer web site submissions. We will hand submit your website URL when we have finished designing your website one time to the top 8-10 search engines. (This is a standard and free service we offer with all clients.)

  • Web Site Submit Blast.
    We also offer website submit blast, where we will submit your website address to over 1,000,000 (One Million) search engines, each and every month for a duration of 12 months. (This is not free, fees apply.)

contact us if you have any questions about our services.

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