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Me at age 4 or 5
I was 4 or 5 years old here. I was at my big sisters Indian guide show. (Indian guides was sort of like the girl scouts.) I was just amazed by the indian rain dance going on.

Me at age 25
I had this photo professionally taken for a mothers day gift for my mother. I remember this day still. It had to be one of the hottest days in early April or May. I was going to wear my silk shirt. But I couldn't get left arm in the shirt, as I had a cast on my left arm. I was still recovering from surgery.

Me at age 30
This photo was taken with those little web cams. It was so pixeled. It took me forever to remove the hundreds of mismatched color dots. Pretty much a normal day sitting in front of my computer online.

Me at age 30
This photo was taken with those little web cams. It was so pixeled. It took me forever to remove the hundreds of mismatched color dots. Pretty much a normal day sitting in front of my computer online. Showing off my long hair.

Me at age 33
If I remember correctly I took this photo on my 33rd birthday. Was just another day. My hair is thinning out on top.

Me at age 33
Again If I remember correctly I took this photo on my 33rd birthday. Was just another day. I think this was a my heaviest weight. And my triple chin was really coming through.

Me at age 37 In Phoenix
Here I was at an internet expo in tempe AZ. Made a lot of new friends and contacts. Had a good time. As you can see I am using my wheel chair here, because a walk with my walker would just wear me out. In this image I have been on a Dr ordered diet that I was sticking to over the past 5-6 months, and lost close to 60LBS.

Cartoon image of me.
This is a cartoon image of me, that was drawn in April 2007 So I would be 39 years old. That's pretty much my look. Levies and tee-shirt type guy. Thank goodness my walker wasn't added to the toon image. Hard to look cool with a walker. LOL.

A side by side of my father and me.
My cuz sent me this photo after my father passed away. I had to do a side by side of me when I was 25 years old to compare the likeness of my father and myself, we could almost be twins.


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